Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"An ABC Sermon on the Simplicity of God-breathed Bible Repentance"

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Little Sermon by  

a.)  What is true repentance?  True repentance is the intended meaning of the Word.  Genuine repentance is saving knowledge of offending a holy Triune God by commission and omission of the moral law.  The law of God is His Ten Commandments and 1, 050 New Testament Commandments.  If any of these are broken it is plainly sin.  Do you match up to eternal self-existent sinless perfection of the Triune Godhead?  No fallen sinner matches up.  It means we are radically corrupt and totally depraved.  There is so much sin in fallen man that is in our subconscious, unconscious and connected to the beginning processes of thought in fallen man.  There is so much sin at conception that it is a complete mass of the sinfulness of sin in total corruption.  

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b.)  Have you made it your mission in life to find your particular sins?  There is so much sin in your life.  It goes against the honor of Jesus Christ.  It is all about the dishonor of Christ if you continue in sin.  If it is something that passes by it is sin.  Some say it is covered, but what say you of the honor of Christ?  is that excellence that is found in a dung-heap?  Engage in particular repentance over particular sin.  Repent of your repentance because it is also filled with sin.  Do you suppose that repentance is the same as Christ?  Does it make you right with God like Christ?  By no means!  How then?  It makes us right with God and at peace with God in a subjective sense, but in an objective sense Christ alone is how someone is right with a holy God in an ultimate sense.  Do you suppose it means less repentance in light of this?  By no means!  What if you reflected the unified imputed righteousness of Christ alone?  There would be endless acts of good, but does that exclude repentance?  No, it adds it much more!   How much time have you spent in contrite repentance?  Do you spend three to five hours of repentance?  If it is extreme in your eyes, what else would the righteousness of Christ be if it was reflected in a shattered image?  Have you not read that Christ commands us to repent and believe the gospel?  Why?  He is profoundly concerned with right and wrong, but the establishment of holiness.  Repentance is the pathway to holiness.  If you repent to some god besides the Triune God, it is a basis for the fury of God.  Sold-out false religion is the greatest hatred of Jesus Christ.  Get to it: repent and believe the gospel!

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c.)  The simplicity of repentance breaks down like this:  1.)  Here is a sin, 2.)  Recognize the sin, 3.)  Lift the sin up to the Triune God (He knows it because ALL THINGS are open to Him perfectly) and say "Forgive me through Christ crucified.  In Jesus' name.  Amen."  4.)  Look for more sin to repent of and confess any sin like this:  Say you committed multiple acts of fornication start with, "Lord, I committed many acts of fornication.  I acknowledge it and forsake it.  Forgive me through Christ crucified.  In Jesus name.  Amen."  Suppose you were conceived in original sin and are totally depraved (as the infallible Word says).  What should your response be?  Start with general repentance "Lord, forgive me for 35 years of original sin and total depravity."  Is that it?  By no means!  Now get a calender from conception to where you are now:  print out your whole life and get a pen.  Then put it into a binder and go over every particular day.  If you use a pen to go over each day it will be lots of dots over the days if you keep going back to calender repentance.  How?  Pray "Lord, forgive me" and do this for every day because it was a new day of a life of sin.  Make sure you also repent of your sin-soiled repentance.  MAKE MUCH OF IT!   That does not mean you reject God's good gift of faithful repentance but the remaining sin in it that is thorough to where repentance could only merit hell without the provision of God's mercy or devoid of His Spirit and Word.  This does not mean you should not repent but all the more to obey His commands but remember Jesus alone saves.  Repentance never ends until glory.  There is no repentance in heaven.  There is repentance among those who are justified by Christ alone.  Amen.

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